Suriranka Online Store

A web space built to buy high-end Sri Lankan goods and products and to taste and prepare Sri Lankan delicacies.

Re-build a strong Suriranka

By introducing goods and products created by the hands of Sri Lankans of greater value to Japan, adding value to them will give the effortful Sri Lankans economic strength to stand up on their own again.

Simply Cook Suriranka Recipe box

Simply Cook – Suriranka Recipe box

We think that our new Simply cook Recipe box will be very useful for Japanese people who want to try and accept Sri Lankan food by themselves. It will be of great help to further develop the existing relationship between Japan and Sri Lanka and build cultural cooperation.

Plant your own Tree in Suriranka

Plant your own tree in Sriranka

Based on the success of the project to grow mangoes in Sri Lanka and export them globally, which we implemented at the beginning of 2019, we are ready to implement its second phase in a wider area. Come and plant a sapling in our VIRON mango garden in Sri Lanka.

Who We Are?

This Suriranka Online shopping website is a project managed by VIRON Sri Lanka, which is owned by Japan’s KJ HOLDINGS parent company, and here our sole purpose is to introduce Sri Lankan goods and products of greater value to Japan, and to give the Sri Lankans economic strength to stand up on their own again.

Meet Our Group

Visit KJ Holding website for more info.


Meet Our Team

The team behind our success.

Satoshi Takikawa CEO

Loranjan Subash Managing Director

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